December 19, 2024

Man Crawls On Ice To Save Dog From Icy Pond With Just His Hockey Stick

After a dog fell through the ice on a frozen pond, a man came to his rescue using just his courage and a hockey stick to save him!

In this video filmed in the town of Zaporozhye, Ukraine a German Shepherd somehow got his way onto the ice and fell through. Two men who had been playing hockey on the pond see the dog in trouble and rush to his aid. While one man stands back and films, his friend crawls on the ice with his hockey stick in hand.

He carefully taps the ice with the stick to ensure the ice can hold his weight. When he finally gets close enough he’s able to hook his stick under the dog and pull him out of the water!

Although it’s not clear who the dog belongs to and if the dog’s owner was close by, he is alive thanks to this kind man.

Watch the daring rescue and share it with your friends!

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