Dog Photography Award Winners Capture The Delight And Wonder Of Dogs
Dogs are endlessly fascinating subjects for photographers. No matter how many pictures are taken, there is always something exciting and original or emotional and heartwarming …
Dogs are endlessly fascinating subjects for photographers. No matter how many pictures are taken, there is always something exciting and original or emotional and heartwarming …
Iп late May, the Humaпe ѕociety of Lebaпoп Couпty (HѕLC) iп Peппѕylvaпia гeceived a heaгt-wгeпchiпg call fгom local authoгitieѕ about a dog tгapped iп a …
They say that rescue dogs display a special kind of gratitude, and they are absolutely right! Since the moment he was given his first pat …
The moqυillo is one of the main causes of death among stray or empty dogs. This infectious virus, which attacks the respiratory, gastroenteritis and central …
A dog returned to a rescue shelter 14 times has finally broken his unlucky streak. Ronald wasn’t a long-time resident at the SPCA of Wake …
It was just a regular day, and I was walking down the street, lost in my own thoughts. Suddenly, a desperate cry caught my attention, …
Ralphie may look adorable and cute but the currently homeless dog is a “100% full jerk” according to the shelter where he’s staying. And they …
Unveiling a Tale of Compassion: Rescuing an Ailing Canine Discarded by Its OwnerIn a heartwarming story that unfolded on a recent YouTube video, the focus …
For Stray Rescue of St. Louis the reality they face when they rescue dogs is heartbreaking. But the relief and joy they feel when those …
“A shelter is not a place for dogs,” said Shira Scott Astrof, for The Dodo, after successfully completing her adoption mission of another puppy. Although …